
Frequently Asked Questions About the Harp, Lessons and Rentals
Is the Harp for me?
Playing the harp is an amazing gift that you can give to yourself and to others. The instrument calls to people from all ages and walks of life. Not everyone aspires to be a professional harpist; many of my students play for their own pleasure, and to enrich their lives. Other students may choose to work toward performing as an avocation or vocation. My goal is to help all students, regardless of level or goals, love to play the harp! I have students of all ages, ranging from 4 to 85 years old. I like to ask students why they want to learn the harp. Here are some of their answers:
“The sound of the harp takes me to a place that nothing else does”
Angela, age 9
“I am at a time in my life where I can finally do something special just for me. Playing the harp has been my lifetime dream”
Nancy, age 63
“I want to play music for those who are sick and need uplifting. It is the music of the angels”
Thomas, age 45
“I just like the sound of it!”
Karen, age 4
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
What is the difference between a pedal and a lever harp?
Lever harps are also known as folk or Celtic harps. These harps can come with no levers, a few select levers or with a full set of levers. The levers are moved up to raise the pitch of each string by a half step, and moved back down again to lower the string by a half step. This allows the harp to be played in many keys, but does limit the number of keys in which it can be used, as any string only has two pitch options. Lever harps range in size, some with as few as 12 strings or as many as 40 strings. The traditional body is box shaped, but many of our instruments have a staved body rounded backs which can be more comfortable to play. Most lever harps have a light tension (the strings feel easy to pluck, with a bright sound) and smaller spacing between the strings than pedal harps.
Lyon & Healy and Salvi Harps offers a lever harp with the same tension and spacing of a pedal harp. This makes the transition from a lever harp to the pedal harp a bit easier since the student is used to the feel of the concert tension that is used for pedal harps. Starting on a lever harp is perfectly acceptable, and what most harpists begin on. After starting on a lever harp, students often progress to a pedal harp to be able to play more advanced and diverse music.
Pedal harps have “concert tension,” or a firmer touch and wider spacing between the strings. They have a larger body which allows for a deep, more resonant tone. The pedals are used to get sharps, flats and naturals making it possible to play in all 12 keys, as well as change quickly between them. The smallest pedal harp has 40 strings. A concert grand harp has all 47 strings and a range of six and a half octaves. You can play any kind of music on a pedal harp.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
How do I decide which harp is right for me?
When we meet for the first time. you will be able to see and play many different harps and I’ll answer all of your questions. I will work with you until you have enough information to make an educated decision. To help the decision making process, think about your musical goals, the types of music you like and your budget. Often topics such as the age of the student, physical challenges and previous musical experience will help to guide your decision. Our two rental programs are designed to give you enough time to get started with lessons while you decide the best instrument for your needs.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
Do you purchase harps from individuals?
Yes, we may be interested in purchasing your harp. You need to bring the harp to me for an appraisal.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
Do you deliver harps?
I provide local delivery within the San Francisco Bay Area for a fee determined by the distance. For harps outside of this area, we ship both nationally and internationally through a common carrier such as DM Transportation or ALG. Smaller harps may use a different carrier depending on the size of the harp. I recommend the harps be insured through the shipping company or with outside instrument insurance prior to shipping. The cost of delivery will vary depending on the size of the harp and the destination. Transit time is typically 7 to 10 business days. Transit may be delayed by extreme hot or cold temperatures.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
What is a regulation?
A regulation is like an oil change, lube and filter for a car. It is maintenance that should be done every 12 months. The harp technician will inspect your harp, restring your harp with new strings and make any adjustments needed to the levers or pedals to be sure the harp is in tune with itself. Moving parts are lubricated, pedal felts and slot felts are replaced. I have a harp technician who will work on your harp at my studio. Plan to bring the harp in a week or two before the regulation so that the strings can be changed and brought back to pitch before the regulation.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
Can a particular harp be reserved for me to try?
Unfortunately, I cannot reserve a harp for you. I can give you “first right of refusal”. If someone else would like the harp before you can make a final decision, I will attempt to reach you to give you the opportunity to complete your purchase. If I cannot reach you, the harp is considered available for someone else to purchase.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
How do I care for my harp?
Here are a few tips to keep your harp happy and healthy:
- It is best to keep your harp away from direct ventilation and sunlight.
- A dry, lint free dust cloth is all you need to clean your harp.
- If you use a polish, only use what is recommended by the manufacturer.
- Harps should be tuned daily.
- Strings replaced as soon as they break.
- Regulate and restring your harp yearly.
- Please contact us for our free Harp Care Information Sheet.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
How do I move my harp?
When you come to rent or purchase your harp, please bring at least three pillows and an enclosed vehicle. It is not safe to move a harp in an open, flatbed truck. Most non-pedal harps will fit in a sedan, the size of a Toyota, Camry. With this size car, there are no seats for additional passengers. Pedal harps will fit in a small SUV, cross over vehicle or even a Prius 3 or Prius V. You will need to put down the passenger seats to fit the harp.
You may need a harp dolly to easily move your instrument. A dolly can be purchased from Jessica. Contact Jessica for a recommendation concerning which dolly is best for your needs. Always move the harp with padding under the three points of the harp, (the crown, knee block and base), with the levers or discs facing up to the ceiling of your vehicle. You do not want to use an open pickup truck! For alternative methods of moving your harp, please contact us.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
Do you give appraisals of harps?
I can provide two different types of appraisals: Insurance Replacement Values for insurance companies, and Physical Value Evaluations to provide a statement of value of your harp. Jessica or our Harp Technician must complete a physical inspection at my location for all appraisals. There is an additional fee if we must come to you to do an appraisal.
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
How do I insure my harp?
The following companies specialize in instrument insurance:
- Anderson Insurance Services Inc 800-878-6578 ((You must be a member of the American Harp Society to get a discount on the insurance. Be sure to join your local chapter to receive all of the benefits of being a member of the American Harp Society. Your local chapter can be found when you sign up at
- Clarion Associates 800-848-2534
- Heritage Insurance Services Inc 800-289-8837
- Merz-Huber Company 610-544-2323 (You must be a member of the American String Teacher Association to get the discounted price.)
To learn more about Harp Lessons and Harp Rentals Contact Jessica Siegel!
More Information
I am available...
… for consultation to help you select the right harp for you. I do physical inspections of harps, appraisals, and can resource places for harps to be serviced and repaired.
Music has magical qualities the bring people together. Together we can build community by sharing the joy of making music on the harp.